Tuesday, December 2, 2008


"The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still." Exodus 14:14

When I saw this verse for the first time, which was just recently a few days ago while I was at home for thanksgiving. It took me by surprise it was a huge shock actually. I was in my basement, just recently have made the decision to pick up my life at the University of Montana where I have attended college for 4 years, leave all my friends, leave my community of friends that are passionately following Christ, and go to Las Vegas, NV to live with my twin brother who just recently got back from Baghdad (he is in the Air Force) that I do not have the greatest relationship with as it is. Its scary, i am scared, i am worried, i am sad. But look at that verse, this is the verse the Lord gave me when I was in my basement crying out to Him asking Him why God why do i have to leave everything. And God said he will fight for me if I am still, If I just listen to Him everything will be alright. Trust, the Lord has promises for us all to have a hope and a future and he will never give us anything we can't handle. This is my time, God is calling em to go to Las Vegas whether I want to or not, it doesn't really matter what I want I am a follower of Christ and I will "GO" wherever he sends me. No matter how hard it is, no matter the situation, the consequences, the persecution I may face. God is calling us to live a life that is glorifying to Him. So I am listening and answering the call and going to Las Vegas to live with my brother, no friends, no community, a new start. God will take care of me. He promises me he will!